Advent of Code 2020 - Intro + Day 1
I’m doing advent of code again this year. For the uninitiated, AOC (not that AOC) is a set of coding puzzles, where a new puzzle is released each day of advent at midnight. They feature delightful prose, fun story, and cool puzzles.
Last year I did it for the first time, and I really enjoyed it, although I didn’t finish all the days. I’m going to try and finish all the challenges this year, and do a little writeup on each day’s solution. Here goes something (that I probably won’t finish)!
Here’s day 1’s puzzle! Backstory: I’m on vacation on a tropical island, and christmas will have to save itself this year. I need to do various things so that I can pay for my hotel room, in stars!, a local unconvertable currency. However, apparently Santa has a large bureaucracy, and somehow I always end up doing expense reports:
It was a very easy puzzle. It boiled down to, find a set of size N of numbers that sum to 2020 from the input set, then find the product of that set. Part 1 was N=2, part 2 of the challenge was N=3. Since the input list was only 200 entries, my initial solution of brute force iteration worked well.
Here’s the code, also available on my github. It took me almost exactly 3 minutes, 3 seconds from starting the challenge to finish.
PS D:\code\advent\2020>; python
Python 3.9.0 (tags/v3.9.0:9cf6752, Oct 5 2020, 15:34:40) [MSC v.1927 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Executable: D:\Program Files\Python39\python.exe
>>> with open('input1-a.txt', 'r') as f:
... lines = f.readlines()
>>> data = [int(l) for l in lines]
>>> data
[1778, ... 1453]
>>> i = j = 0
>>> for i, ii in enumerate(data):
... for j, jj in enumerate(data):
... if ii + jj == 2020:
... print(i, ii, j, jj)
73 1472 152 548
152 548 73 1472
>>> 1472 * 548
806656 # part 1 answer
>>> for i, ii in enumerate(data):
... for j, jj in enumerate(data):
... for k, kk in enumerate(data):
... if ii + jj + kk == 2020:
... print(ii * jj * kk)
230608320 # part 2 answer