I’m doing advent of code again this year. For the uninitiated, AOC (not that AOC) is a set of coding puzzles, where a new puzzle is released each day of advent at midnight. They feature delightful prose, fun story, and cool puzzles.

Apparently elves are bad at computer security.

Apparently elves are bad at computer security.

Last year I did it for the first time, and I really enjoyed it, although I didn’t finish all the days. I’m going to try and finish all the challenges this year, and do a little writeup on each day’s solution. Here goes something (that I probably won’t finish)!

Here’s day 1’s puzzle! Backstory: I’m on vacation on a tropical island, and christmas will have to save itself this year. I need to do various things so that I can pay for my hotel room, in stars!, a local unconvertable currency. However, apparently Santa has a large bureaucracy, and somehow I always end up doing expense reports:

Accounting is being run by elves. I always suspected.

Accounting is being run by elves. I always suspected.

It was a very easy puzzle. It boiled down to, find a set of size N of numbers that sum to 2020 from the input set, then find the product of that set. Part 1 was N=2, part 2 of the challenge was N=3. Since the input list was only 200 entries, my initial solution of brute force iteration worked well.

Here’s the code, also available on my github. It took me almost exactly 3 minutes, 3 seconds from starting the challenge to finish.

PS D:\code\advent\2020>; python
Python 3.9.0 (tags/v3.9.0:9cf6752, Oct  5 2020, 15:34:40) [MSC v.1927 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Executable: D:\Program Files\Python39\python.exe
>>>  with open('input1-a.txt', 'r') as f:
...  lines = f.readlines()
>>>  data = [int(l) for l in lines]
>>>  data
[1778, ... 1453]
>>>  i = j = 0
>>>  for i, ii in enumerate(data):
...  for j, jj in enumerate(data):
...   if ii + jj == 2020:
...    print(i, ii, j, jj)
73 1472 152 548
152 548 73 1472
>>>  1472 * 548
806656   # part 1 answer
>>>  for i, ii in enumerate(data):
...  for j, jj in enumerate(data):
...   for k, kk in enumerate(data):
...     if ii + jj + kk == 2020:
...       print(ii * jj * kk)
230608320   # part 2 answer